Our Approach

Workshop/Training Presentations

With our extensive experience in public and private schools, AIMS has created several workshops to address the unique challenges of these settings. We can also customize a training workshop/presentation to your specific needs.

Creating Pleasant Learning Environments

Attendees learn how to develop and maintain pleasant learning environments that create happy learners. Tools for positive behavior change are taught, along with strategies for implementation.

Effective Instructional Design

Attendees learn how to perform a component-composite analysis and develop instructional plans for addressing the needs of their learners.

Motivation and Reinforcement Systems

Attendees learn how to perform a motivational analysis, define types of reinforcement procedures, and utilize reinforcement efficiently and effectively.

Targeting Gross and Fine Motor Coordination

Attendees learn how to target gross and fine motor skills in their instructional plan. These skills are the foundation for learning, and deficits in these domains may lead to delays in cognitive functioning. Specific instructional programs are discussed with hands-on demonstration and coaching.

Breathing and Relaxation for the Classroom

Attendees learn how to target breathing and relaxation skills in their instructional plan. These skills have shown to be highly effective in helping individuals to stay calm and focused. Specific instructional programs are discussed and strategies for implementation demonstrated.

Response to Intervention: Data Collection and Analysis

Attendees learn how to utilize daily and weekly data collection tools in a variety of settings to track any instructional objective. Attendees develop strategies for tracking objectives and learn how to make instructional changes based on the collected data.